General Knowledge Quiz – I

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1. Lal Bahadur Shastri International Airport is located in …..


2. Who among the following declared “I must frankly confess that I am a socialist and a republican” in the Lahore session of INC?


3. …. was the first Indian who climb Mt. Everest without an Oxygen cylinder.


4. Who was the first President of the All-India Muslim League?


5. The United Nations’ working languages are …


6. Which Mughal Ruler had higher number of Hindus as Mansabdars than Muslims under his administration?


7. Ghataprabha Project is located in …


8. In which of the following session of the Muslim League Md. Iqbal declared that the formation of the Separate province (Pakistan)?


9. Vasco Da Gama arrived in India with how many ships?


10. Which among the following books were translated into English H.H. Wilson?

1.  Vishnu Purana

2. Kalidasa’s Meghaduuta

3. Rigveda


11. Which among the following is popular as Herring Pond?


12. The trophy ‘All India Maharaja Ranjit Singh Gold Cup’ is related to …


13. Who among the following attended all the three Round Table Conferences held in London?

1. Mahatma Gandhi

2. B.R.Ambedkar

3. Tez Bahadur Sapru

4. Chittaranjan Das


14. Which among the following statements is not correct?


15. Which among the following is the longest tunnel in India?


16. On which among the following dates, the Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed?


17. …..  was the first Indian who received Stalin Award.


18. What is the name of the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi?


19. Who is regarded as “Maker of Modern India”? 


20. April 7 is celebrated as …

